My street tonight! Already waaaay too much snow! |
It's been a hectic few weeks my dear readers! Between changing day-jobs and adapting to some new rhythms in my life, I've been a tad busy to be blogging much these days. It's also been very cold and snowy here in Montreal. Winter is hitting us pretty hard and earlier than usual this year. Most years the big heavy snows hit in January or early February but we're already a few feet deep this year! And it's only December! It's making for some pretty scenes near my place but it's making getting around harder. Oh well, at least it's already the solstice! But back to the point, I did want to chime in and let everyone know, yes, I'm still here and yes, still wrestling :)
Last weekend in fact, I had the chance to welcome up to my humble home a BG East blast-from-the-past: Slade Groman! Let me tell you guys, like a fine wine, this guy got way better with age! Man he muscled up like hell! A true little tank of a man! We had been chatting online for a little while and after a good exchange, we managed to meet up here in the Great White North. There was so much pent-up desire to wrestle that it took all of...10 seconds or so after we entered my place before we started locking up and slamming each other around.
I was expecting it to be a total squash given his edge with experience, muscle and such...but then I remembered I was younger and heavier! All in all, the matches we had over his stay here were all very back and forth and all very hot. Poor guy though was not used to the Canadian winters and it was very very cold the weekend he came up! It was pretty consistently around -25 Celsius the whole time! The souvenir he went home with was a pneumonia (and a few action shots too for his global profile)!
We both spoke and thought it was time for a return to the camera for Slade! We cooked up some ideas for a Slade Groman vs Ben Monaco match that we could film at BG...What say you internet readers? Good idea? What kind of match should we have? What would you love to see in that match? Let me know and I'll see if I can make it happen :)
On that note dear readers, I hope you all have a very safe, fun and happy holiday season with your family, friends and loved ones! I'll be seeing you all in the new year and I'll keep the matches and the news coming for you to share in! :)